ProGuard: How to Keep All Implementation Class Names Except One
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ProGuard: How to Keep All Implementation Class Names Except One

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ProGuard is a popular tool used to shrink, optimize, and obfuscate Java code, making it more efficient and secure. One of the most powerful features of ProGuard is its ability to configure the obfuscation process to suit specific needs. In this article, we’ll explore how to keep all implementation class names except one using ProGuard.

Why Keep Class Names?

There are several reasons why you might want to keep certain class names from being obfuscated. For example:

  • Debugging: Keeping class names intact can make it easier to debug your application, as the original class names are preserved.

  • API Compatibility: If your application provides a public API, you may want to keep certain class names unchanged to maintain compatibility with other systems.

  • Library Dependencies: Some libraries require specific class names to function correctly. By keeping these names intact, you can ensure seamless integration with these libraries.

The Basics of ProGuard Configuration

Before diving into the specifics of keeping class names, let’s cover the basics of ProGuard configuration. ProGuard uses a configuration file (usually `proguard.cfg` or ``) to define the rules for obfuscation. This file consists of a series of directives, each specifying a rule for ProGuard to follow.

// Sample ProGuard configuration file
-keep class * {
    public ();

-keepclassmembers class * {
    public ();

In this example, the `-keep` directive specifies that all classes with a public constructor should be kept intact. The `-keepclassmembers` directive specifies that all class members (methods, fields, etc.) with a public constructor should also be kept intact.

Keeping All Implementation Class Names Except One

To keep all implementation class names except one, we’ll use a combination of ProGuard directives and filters. Let’s assume we want to keep all class names except for the `com.example.ExampleClass` class.

// Keep all classes except com.example.ExampleClass
-keep class !com.example.ExampleClass {

// Keep all class members except for those in com.example.ExampleClass
-keepclassmembers class !com.example.ExampleClass {

In this example, the `!` symbol is used to negate the filter, specifying that all classes except `com.example.ExampleClass` should be kept intact. The `*` wildcard is used to match all members (methods, fields, etc.) of the classes.

Using Wildcards and Patterns

ProGuard allows you to use wildcards and patterns to specify complex filters. For example, to keep all classes in the `com.example` package except for `com.example.ExampleClass`, you can use the following filter:

-keep class com.example.** { *; }
-keepclassmembers class com.example.** { *; }

-keep !class com.example.ExampleClass {

-keepclassmembers !class com.example.ExampleClass {

In this example, the `com.example.**` pattern matches all classes in the `com.example` package and its subpackages. The `!com.example.ExampleClass` filter is then used to exclude the `com.example.ExampleClass` class from the keep list.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you customize your ProGuard configuration:

  • Use the `-keeppackagenames` directive to keep package names intact.

  • Use the `-keepattributes` directive to keep specific attributes (e.g., annotations, signatures) intact.

  • Use the `-printclassnames` option to print a list of all class names that ProGuard encounters during the obfuscation process.


In this article, we’ve covered how to keep all implementation class names except one using ProGuard. By using a combination of directives and filters, you can customize the obfuscation process to suit your specific needs. Remember to use wildcards and patterns to specify complex filters, and don’t hesitate to experiment with different configurations to achieve the desired results.

Directive Description
-keep Specifies classes or class members to keep intact.
-keepclassmembers Specifies class members (methods, fields, etc.) to keep intact.
-keeppackagenames Specifies package names to keep intact.
-keepattributes Specifies attributes (e.g., annotations, signatures) to keep intact.
-printclassnames Prints a list of all class names encountered during the obfuscation process.

By following these guidelines and experimenting with different configurations, you’ll be able to optimize your ProGuard setup to meet the specific needs of your project.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to shield your Android app’s code from prying eyes with ProGuard! But, what if you want to keep all implementation class names except one? We’ve got you covered!

How do I configure ProGuard to keep all implementation class names?

To keep all implementation class names, you can use the -keepclasseswithmembers modifier in your ProGuard configuration file ( or proguard.cfg). Add the following line: -keepclasseswithmembers class * { *; }. This will instruct ProGuard to keep all classes with their members (methods and fields) intact.

What if I want to exclude a specific class from being obfuscated?

No worries! You can use the -keep class modifier to specify the class you want to exclude from obfuscation. For example, if you want to keep the class com.example.MyNonObfuscatedClass intact, add the following line: -keep class com.example.MyNonObfuscatedClass { *; }. This will tell ProGuard to keep the specified class and its members from being renamed or obfuscated.

Can I use a pattern to match multiple classes and keep them from being obfuscated?

You can use a pattern to match multiple classes and keep them from being obfuscated. For example, if you want to keep all classes in the com.example.mylib package, you can use the following line: -keep class com.example.mylib.** { *; }. The ** wildcard will match all classes in the specified package and its subpackages.

How do I ensure that ProGuard doesn’t rename the classes I want to keep?

To prevent ProGuard from renaming the classes you want to keep, you need to specify the -keep modifier with the names keyword. For example: -keepclassmembers,names class * { *; }. This will instruct ProGuard to keep the original names of the classes and their members.

What if I want to keep all implementation classes except one specific class?

You can use a combination of the -keep and -keepclassmembers modifiers to achieve this. For example, if you want to keep all implementation classes except the com.example.MyObfuscatedClass, you can use the following lines: -keepclassmembers class * { *; } and -keepclassmembers,!class com.example.MyObfuscatedClass { *; }. This will keep all implementation classes except the specified one.