Error 431 when running Web API template project: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing the Issue
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Error 431 when running Web API template project: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing the Issue

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating Error 431 when running your Web API template project? You’re not alone! This error can be a major roadblock in your development journey, but fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Error 431, explore its causes, and provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions to fix the issue and get your project up and running smoothly.

What is Error 431, and Why Does it Happen?

Error 431 is an HTTP status code that indicates the server is unable to process the request due to the request header fields being too large. This error typically occurs when your Web API project is configured to use a large amount of data in the request headers, exceeding the maximum allowed limit.

Common Causes of Error 431:

  • Large cookies or authentication tokens
  • Excessive query string parameters
  • Overly large request headers
  • Misconfigured IIS settings
  • Incompatible client or server software

Step 1: Identify the Root Cause of the Error

To fix Error 431, you need to determine the root cause of the issue. Here are some steps to help you identify the problem:

  1. Check your request headers: Inspect your request headers using tools like Fiddler, Postman, or Chrome DevTools. Look for any unusually large or suspicious headers that might be causing the issue.
  2. Review your server settings: Verify that your server is configured correctly, and the maximum allowed header size is not exceeded. You can check your IIS settings or consult with your server administrator if necessary.
  3. Check your client-side code: Examine your client-side code to ensure that you’re not accidentally sending large amounts of data in the request headers. Review your JavaScript or C# code for any potential issues.

Step 2: Optimize Your Request Headers

Once you’ve identified the root cause of the error, it’s time to optimize your request headers to prevent the issue from occurring:

  • Compress your request headers: Consider using header compression techniques like GZIP or Brotli to reduce the size of your request headers.
  • Split large requests: If you’re sending large amounts of data in the request headers, consider splitting the request into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  • Use query string parameters wisely: Instead of sending large amounts of data in the request headers, consider using query string parameters to pass the necessary information.

Step 3: Configure Your Server Settings

Next, you need to configure your server settings to accommodate larger request headers:

IIS Configuration:

            <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="100000000" />

In the above example, we’re increasing the maximum allowed content length to 100 MB. Adjust this value according to your specific needs.

Step 4: Update Your Client-Side Code

Finally, update your client-side code to ensure that you’re not accidentally sending large amounts of data in the request headers:

// JavaScript example
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '', true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');

// C# example
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var response = client.GetAsync("").Result;

In the above examples, we’re setting the Content-Type header to application/json and ensuring that we’re not sending any large amounts of data in the request headers.


Error 431 can be a frustrating issue, but with the right guidance, you can overcome it and get your Web API template project up and running smoothly. Remember to identify the root cause of the error, optimize your request headers, configure your server settings, and update your client-side code to prevent the issue from occurring.

Additional Resources:

Resource Description
MDN Web Docs: HTTP/1.1 Status Code 431 A comprehensive guide to HTTP/1.1 status codes, including Error 431.
Microsoft IIS Documentation: Request Filtering Official Microsoft documentation on request filtering and configuring IIS settings.
Stack Overflow: Error 431 in Web API A wealth of information and discussion on Error 431 and Web API-related issues.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to resolving Error 431 and ensuring a seamless experience for your users. Happy coding!

Here is the response:

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with “Error 431” while running your Web API template project? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you resolve the issue:

What is Error 431, and why does it occur in Web API template projects?

Error 431, also known as “Request Header Fields Too Large,” occurs when the request headers exceed the maximum allowed size. This can happen in Web API template projects when you’re sending a large amount of data in the request headers, such as cookies, tokens, or other metadata. To resolve this, you can try reducing the size of your request headers or increasing the HeaderSizeLimit in your web.config file.

How do I increase the HeaderSizeLimit in my web.config file?

To increase the HeaderSizeLimit, you can add the following code to your web.config file: <system.webServer><serverVariables><clear /><add name=”HEADER_MAX_SIZE” value=”65536″/></serverVariables></system.webServer>. This sets the maximum allowed header size to 65536 bytes. You can adjust this value according to your needs, but be aware that increasing it too much can lead to security vulnerabilities.

What are some best practices to avoid Error 431 in Web API template projects?

To avoid Error 431, make sure to keep your request headers minimal and avoid sending large amounts of data in headers. Use query parameters or body payload instead of headers to pass data. Also, consider implementing pagination or filtering to reduce the amount of data being sent. Finally, regularly review your code and eliminate any unnecessary or redundant headers.

Can I use compression to reduce the size of my request headers?

Yes, you can use compression to reduce the size of your request headers. Gzip compression is a popular method that can significantly reduce the size of headers. In .NET Core, you can use the built-in compression middleware to enable Gzip compression. This can be especially useful if you’re sending large amounts of data in headers.

Are there any tools or diagnostic techniques to help identify the root cause of Error 431?

Yes, there are several tools and diagnostic techniques to help identify the root cause of Error 431. You can use Fiddler, Postman, or browser developer tools to inspect the request headers and identify the problematic headers. Additionally, you can enable debug logging in your application to get more detailed information about the error. You can also use diagnostic tools like RequestBin or HeaderTool to analyze your request headers and identify potential issues.

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