Elasticsearch Keystore Error: Device or Resource Busy while Upgrading? Fear Not!
Image by Thomasine - hkhazo.biz.id

Elasticsearch Keystore Error: Device or Resource Busy while Upgrading? Fear Not!

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Are you in the midst of an Elasticsearch upgrade and suddenly hit a roadblock with the dreaded “Device or Resource Busy” error in your Keystore? Take a deep breath, friend, because you’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the depths of this pesky issue, explore its causes, and provide step-by-step solutions to get you back on track in no time.

What’s the Deal with the Keystore, Anyway?

The Keystore is a crucial component of Elasticsearch, responsible for securely storing sensitive data such as passwords, certificates, and encryption keys. When you upgrade Elasticsearch, the Keystore is upgraded as well, which can sometimes lead to issues like the “Device or Resource Busy” error.

Symptoms of the Error

If you’re experiencing this error, you might see something like this in your Elasticsearch logs:

[2023-02-15T14:30:00,123] ERROR [Keystore] failed to initialize keystore
java.nio.file.FileSystemException: /path/to/elasticsearch/config/keystore: Device or resource busy
	at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.newFileChannel(UnixFileSystemProvider.java:115)
	at java.base/java.nio.channels.FileChannel.open(FileChannel.java:292)
	at java.base/java.nio.channels.FileChannel.open(FileChannel.java:259)
	at org.elasticsearch.keystore.KeystoreFile.lock(KeystoreFile.java:144)
	at org.elasticsearch.keystore.KeystoreFile.open(KeystoreFile.java:129)
	at org.elasticsearch.keystore.KeystoreLoader.load(KeystoreLoader.java:65)
	at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.KeystoreBootstrap.load(KeystoreBootstrap.java:54)
	at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap.setup(Bootstrap.java:340)
	at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap.init(Bootstrap.java:333)
	at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.init(Elasticsearch.java:166)
	at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.execute(Elasticsearch.java:157)
	at org.elasticsearch.cli.EnvironmentAwareCommand.execute(EnvironmentAwareCommand.java:75)
	at org.elasticsearch.cli.Command.mainWithoutErrorHandling(Command.java:110)
	at org.elasticsearch.cli.Command.main(Command.java:84)
	at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.main(Elasticsearch.java:74)
	at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.main(Elasticsearch.java:67)

Causes of the Error

So, why does this error occur in the first place? There are a few possible reasons:

  • File system issues: Elasticsearch may not have the necessary permissions to access the Keystore file, or the file system might be corrupted.
  • Resource constraints: The Elasticsearch node might be experiencing high resource utilization, causing the Keystore upgrade to fail.
  • Corrupted Keystore file: The Keystore file itself might be corrupted, preventing Elasticsearch from accessing it.

Solutions to the “Device or Resource Busy” Error

Now that we’ve covered the whys, let’s dive into the hows – namely, how to fix this error and get your Elasticsearch upgrade back on track!

Solution 1: Check File System Permissions

Ensure that the Elasticsearch user has the necessary permissions to access the Keystore file:

chmod 640 /path/to/elasticsearch/config/keystore
chown elasticsearch:elasticsearch /path/to/elasticsearch/config/keystore

Solution 2: Restart Elasticsearch with Increased Resource Allocation

Increase the resource allocation for the Elasticsearch node, and then restart the service:

sudo systemctl stop elasticsearch
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
sudo systemctl start elasticsearch

Solution 3: Delete and Recreate the Keystore File

If the Keystore file is corrupted, try deleting it and recreating it:

rm /path/to/elasticsearch/config/keystore
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_keystore/restore/default'

Solution 4: Upgrade Elasticsearch in Stages

Instead of upgrading Elasticsearch all at once, try upgrading it in stages, restarting the service between each stage:

sudo systemctl stop elasticsearch
sudo yum install elasticsearch-7.10.2-1 (or your desired version)
sudo systemctl start elasticsearch
sudo systemctl stop elasticsearch
sudo yum install elasticsearch-7.11.2-1 (or your desired version)
sudo systemctl start elasticsearch

Solution 5: Check for Plugin Conflicts

Some plugins might be causing issues with the Keystore upgrade. Try disabling all plugins and then re-enabling them one by one to identify the culprit:

sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-cli plugin remove *
sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-cli plugin install 


The “Device or Resource Busy” error in Elasticsearch Keystore can be frustrating, but it’s not the end of the world! By following these solutions, you should be able to resolve the issue and successfully upgrade your Elasticsearch instance. Remember to breathe, stay calm, and methodically work through each potential solution. Happy upgrading!

Additional Resources

If you’re still stuck or want to learn more about Elasticsearch and Keystore management, be sure to check out these resources:

Common Elasticsearch Errors Solutions
Device or Resource Busy Check file system permissions, restart Elasticsearch with increased resource allocation, delete and recreate the Keystore file, upgrade Elasticsearch in stages, or check for plugin conflicts
Keystore File Not Found Verify the Keystore file path, ensure the Elasticsearch user has necessary permissions, or recreate the Keystore file
Certificate Validation Failure Verify certificate validity, check certificate chaining, or regenerate certificates

By following these solutions and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an Elasticsearch master and resolving any pesky Keystore errors that come your way!

Frequently Asked Question

Upgrading Elasticsearch can be a real challenge, especially when you encounter errors like “Device or Resource Busy”. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to resolve the issue and breathe a sigh of relief.

What causes the “Device or Resource Busy” error during Elasticsearch upgrade?

This error typically occurs when Elasticsearch is unable to access the keystore directory due to file system issues or file locks. It can also happen if the keystore directory is not properly configured or if there are permission issues.

How do I resolve the “Device or Resource Busy” error during Elasticsearch upgrade?

To resolve this error, try restarting the Elasticsearch service, ensure that the keystore directory has the correct permissions, and verify that no other process is using the keystore files. You can also try moving the keystore directory to a different location or checking for file system issues.

What are some common file system issues that can cause the “Device or Resource Busy” error?

Common file system issues that can cause this error include disk full errors, file system corruption, disk I/O errors, and file locks. It’s essential to check the disk space, file system integrity, and disk I/O operations to identify the root cause.

Can I skip the keystore upgrade during Elasticsearch upgrade to avoid the “Device or Resource Busy” error?

While it’s technically possible to skip the keystore upgrade, it’s not recommended. The keystore contains sensitive information like encryption keys, and skipping the upgrade may lead to security issues or data loss. Instead, resolve the underlying issue causing the error and proceed with the keystore upgrade.

What are some best practices to avoid the “Device or Resource Busy” error during Elasticsearch upgrade?

To avoid this error, ensure that the keystore directory has the correct permissions, regularly back up your keystore, and monitor disk space and file system health. Additionally, test the upgrade in a development environment before applying it to production, and have a rollback plan in place in case of issues.