Cannot Remove Linux-Image: Unexpected Reloc Type? Don’t Panic, We’ve Got You Covered!
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Cannot Remove Linux-Image: Unexpected Reloc Type? Don’t Panic, We’ve Got You Covered!

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck with an error that’s got you scratching your head. You’re trying to remove an old Linux image, but the system is throwing a tantrum, refusing to let you do so with the cryptic message “Cannot remove linux-image: unexpected reloc type”. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the depths of this issue and emerge victorious on the other side.

What’s Causing the Error?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of solving the problem, let’s take a step back and understand what’s causing this error in the first place. The “unexpected reloc type” error typically occurs when there’s a mismatch between the kernel image and the kernel headers. Yeah, we know, it sounds like gibberish, but stick with us, and we’ll break it down in simple terms.

When you install a new kernel image, it comes with its own set of kernel headers. These headers are essential for compiling kernel modules, and they’re usually stored in the `/usr/src/linux-headers-` directory. Now, when you try to remove an old kernel image, the system checks if the kernel headers are still in use. If they are, it throws the “unexpected reloc type” error, preventing you from removing the kernel image.

Solution Time!

Enough theory, let’s get our hands dirty and fix this issue once and for all! We’ll present you with not one, not two, but three possible solutions to tackle this problem. Choose the one that best fits your situation.

Solution 1: Remove Unused Kernel Headers

In many cases, the error occurs because of leftover kernel headers from previous kernel versions. Let’s clean up the mess and remove those unnecessary headers.

sudo apt-get purge $(dpkg -l | awk '/^ii  linux-headers-[0-9]+/ {print $2}' | grep -v $(uname -r))
sudo apt-get autoremove --purge

This command will remove all unused kernel headers, except for the ones related to the current kernel version. The `awk` command is used to extract the package names, and `grep` ensures we don’t touch the current kernel version.

Solution 2: Use the –force-removal Option

Sometimes, you might need to remove a kernel image that’s not currently in use, but still has dependencies. In such cases, you can use the `–force-removal` option to bypass the safety checks.

sudo apt-get remove --force-removal linux-image-

Replace `` with the actual version number of the kernel image you want to remove. Be cautious when using this option, as it can lead to instability or even break your system if not used carefully.

Solution 3: Manually Remove the Kernel Image and Headers

If the above solutions don’t work, it’s time to get a bit more aggressive. We’ll manually remove the kernel image and its associated headers.

sudo rm /boot/vmlinuz-
sudo rm /boot/initrd.img-
sudo rm /usr/src/linux-headers--*
sudo rm /usr/src/linux-image--*

Replace `` with the actual version number of the kernel image you want to remove. Make sure to remove the corresponding initrd image and kernel headers as well.

Preventing the Error in the Future

Now that we’ve solved the problem, let’s take a step back and discuss how to avoid this error in the first place.

Regularly Clean Up Unused Kernel Headers

To prevent the accumulation of unused kernel headers, it’s essential to regularly clean up your system. You can use the following command to remove old kernel headers:

sudo apt-get autoremove --purge

This will remove any unnecessary packages, including old kernel headers.

Use the Correct Command to Remove Kernel Images

When removing kernel images, make sure to use the correct command:

sudo apt-get remove linux-image-

Replace `` with the actual version number of the kernel image you want to remove. Using the correct command will ensure that the system properly removes the kernel image and its associated headers.


There you have it, folks! We’ve tackled the “Cannot remove linux-image: unexpected reloc type” error and emerged victorious. By understanding the root cause of the problem and applying the solutions provided, you should be able to remove old kernel images and prevent this error from occurring in the future.

Remember, when working with Linux systems, it’s essential to be methodical and cautious. Take your time, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. Happy troubleshooting!

Solution Command Description
Remove Unused Kernel Headers sudo apt-get purge $(dpkg -l | awk '/^ii linux-headers-[0-9]+/ {print $2}' | grep -v $(uname -r)) Removes unused kernel headers, except for the current kernel version.
Use the –force-removal Option sudo apt-get remove --force-removal linux-image- Forces the removal of a kernel image, bypassing safety checks.
Manually Remove the Kernel Image and Headers sudo rm /boot/vmlinuz- ... Manually removes the kernel image and its associated headers.
  • Regularly clean up unused kernel headers to prevent the accumulation of unnecessary packages.
  • Use the correct command to remove kernel images, ensuring the system properly removes the kernel image and its associated headers.
  • If you’re unsure about removing a kernel image, consider using the sudo apt-get remove --purge command to remove the package and its dependencies.

By following these tips and solutions, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a Linux troubleshooting master! Remember to stay calm, think logically, and always have a backup plan. Happy Linux-ing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about “Cannot remove linux-image: unexpected reloc type” and resolve the issue hassle-free!

What is “Cannot remove linux-image: unexpected reloc type” error?

This error typically occurs when there’s an incompatibility between the Linux kernel image and the system’s architecture. It can also happen when the system is trying to remove an incompatible kernel image. Don’t worry, we’ve got solutions for you!

What causes the “unexpected reloc type” error?

The main culprits behind this error are corrupted kernel images, incorrect package installations, or conflicts between different kernel versions. Sometimes, hardware malfunctions or firmware issues can also trigger this error. Don’t panic, we’ll guide you through the troubleshooting process!

How do I fix the “Cannot remove linux-image” error?

Try updating your package list and then reinstalling the kernel image. If that doesn’t work, you might need to remove the conflicting kernel image manually. We’ve got step-by-step instructions to help you resolve this issue!

Can I safely remove the old kernel images?

Yes, you can safely remove old kernel images, but make sure you’re not removing the currently running kernel image. Identify the correct kernel image to remove, and then use the correct commands to delete it. We’ll provide you with the necessary guidance to avoid any potential issues!

What if I’m still stuck with the “unexpected reloc type” error?

Don’t worry! If none of the above solutions work, you can try reinstalling the Linux distribution or seeking help from your system administrator. In some cases, a complete system reinstall might be necessary. We’re here to help you troubleshoot and find the best solution for your specific situation!